The St. Louis Gateway is an N-scale layout representing operations on the Terminal Railroad
Association of St. Louis (TRRA) around SH Interlocking and Madison Yard during the late 1980s.
The operations simulate traffic patterns through a major interlocking tower, SH Interlocking in
Madison lL. During an operating session, the SH Tower operator will control the movement of
about 50 trains from 5 different mainlines. About half of these movements are switching transfers
from many different railroads in the St. Louis area (5 staging yards.)
This is a fictitious railroad that runs east-west in MA. The railroad is interchanged with four railroads, New York Central, New Haven, Maine Central, and Rutland, that bring cars to Palmer Junction which are staged to enter Beacon Park Yard.
Beacon Park Yard stages cars for six branches, Milford Branch has two industries, Webster Branch has four industries, Jamesville Branch has one industry and team track, Saxonville Branch has two industries and team track, Warren Branch East, Pudister Village has four industries and Warren Branch West has three industries. Then there are eight trains that take the cars to the 18 industries and team tracks within those branches plus the engine facility.
Operating Sessions can have seven operators to handle all positions. We have a total of 20 trains that take about three hours to complete. Positions on operating session; 1) Interchange yard. 2) Beacon Park. 1) Dispatcher. 3) operators
This is a freelance layout based on a short line of the Southern RR that used to service my home town of Tell City in southern Indiana. It is set in the early transition era with industry and businesses being modeled on actual memories from my childhood and stories from my parents. It contains a main level and a lower level that is designed as a switching layout to service industries from that time period.